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by frogmin



The Back Clinic is pleased to annouce the opening of its new chiropractic clinic in Bexley. Many months of hard work, careful planning and coordination have finally come to completion.
The Back Clinic offers you and your family a unique, planned and personal approach to living a fun and fulfilled life. The strategies that we offer you will work if you are willing to work them. Our 5 pillars to optimal health and healing will help you achieve optimal health and abundance in life.

  1. Chiropractic care: chiropractic works to remove pressure and stress from your body.
  2. Fitness: once tension and symptoms are under control, we need to work on your fitness.
  3. Nutrition: the wrong food intake will limit your body and your health.
  4. Rest: a good night’s sleep allows your cells to regenerate and heal. Your chiropractor will coach you on better sleep patterns.
  5. Reconnect: we are here to coach you to achieving your true life’s potential.


The Back Clinic first opened in Bankstown in 2004. Our vision is to expand The Back Clinic into multiple centres and promote optimal health to our wider Australian community. For every man, woman and child.

Chiropractic is about maximising your human health and potential. Here at The Back Clinic, our professional team of chiropractors will work closely with you to identify the underlying cause of your health complaint and to provide recommendations for care. We take our role as chiropractors very seriously. Our role is not only limited to adjusting your spine, but also as your own personal lifestyle coach. We’ll help you to identify poor habits and lifestyle choices that are overwhelming your body and creating those unwanted pains and symptoms.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

– Thomas Edison (inventor of the light bulb)


Are you interested in learning how chiropractic may help you to reduce pain, improve posture and perform better? Let’s work together to improve your health. Start today and receive a complimentary massage – find out more here >>

Please phone to book your consultation with a chiropractor in Bexley today or click below.

Chiropractor in Bexley

132 Stoney Creek Rd, Bexley, NSW, 2207.