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by frogmin



Am I eligible for a Medicare Allied Health rebate for chiropractic care?
You may now qualify for a Medicare rebate, issued by your local GP, covering chiropractic treatment. If you suffer from a chronic condition that requires care, you may be eligible to receive up to five chiropractic visits per calendar year.

What do I need to do?

Visit your local GP and discuss your health concern. You may be placed on an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan that specifically refers you to a chiropractor. It is your GP that decides if a Medicare Allied Health Rebate is appropriate in your case.

Do I have to pay anything?

Your Medicare Allied Health rebate for chiropractic covers the cost of up to five full chiropractic sessions at The Back Clinic. You should not incur any other expenses during these visits. You can, of course, continue treatment as required after the five visits are used, at standard clinic fees.

Can I use my private health insurance?

You need to decide if you are going to use your Medicare rebate or your private health insurance as you can’t use both at the same time. Once you have claimed your 5 Medicare rebates you may continue with chiropractic care using your health insurance.

Does Medicare Allied Health Rebate cover X-rays?

No, however The Back Clinic may be able to bulk bill these if required. Speak with one of our staff on this.


The Back Clinic is not responsible for the amount reimbursed by Medicare as it is a matter between yourself, Medicare and your GP.

If you think you could benefit from chiropractic care then ask your GP about a Medicare Allied Health referral for treatment at The Back Clinic.

Chiropractic commonly helps back pain, headache and migraine pain, sports injury, postural problems and more.


Are you interested in learning how chiropractic may help you to reduce pain, improve posture and perform better? Let’s work together to improve your health. We have clinics located at Bankstown and Rockdale. Start today – find out more here >>