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by frogmin



Back pain is unsurprisingly all too common in Australia and around the world. Your team here at The Back Clinic have created this infographic to sumarise several key back pain facts in Australia. Feel free to use this resource on your own site, providing you reference this page.


Back problems can arise from issues related to the bones, joints, connective tissue, muscles and nerves of the back.

These conditions can affect the neck (cervical spine), upper back (thoracic spine) and lower back (lumbar spine) as well as the sacrum and tailbone (coccyx).

Back problems are a significant cause of disability and lost productivity in Australia. They are also the most common condition treated by chiropractors.

  • 2 in 5 people with back problems indicated that the pain “moderately” interfered with daily activities
  • 4 million Australians experienced back pain in 2017-18
  • Estimates suggest between 70-90% of Aussies will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lives
  • One particular study found that 14% of participants experienced constant back pain and up to 86% experienced pain at least one day per week.


  1. Australian Government Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
  2. The Back Clinic